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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
19 setembre 2019 |
Flow alteration and wastewater inputs effects on freshwater communities in Mediterranean rivers |
Mor Roy, Jordi-René
Fugitive green-house gas emissions during biological wastewater treatment: investigating sources and mitigation strategies in laboratory and full-scale systems |
Rodríguez-Caballero, Adrián
20 març 2015 |
Fugitive green-house gas emissions during biological wastewater treatment: investigating sources and mitigation strategies in laboratory and full-scale systems |
Rodríguez-Caballero, Adrián
12 desembre 2017 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment processes: identifying triggering factors at laboratory and full-scale systems |
Ribera Guàrdia, Anna
5 juny 2015 |
From inocula to biological reactors: molecular characterization of N-cycle bacterial assemblages in a PANAMMOX process |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
From inocula to biological reactors: molecular characterization of N-cycle bacterial assemblages in a PANAMMOX process |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
22 gener 2019 |
Integrated assessment of wastewater treatment plants and their receiving river systems in a global change context |
Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi
26 febrer 2012 |
Integrated management of urban wastewater systems: a model-based approach |
Prat Busquets, Pau
26 febrer 2012 |
Integrated management of urban wastewater systems: a model-based approach |
Prat Busquets, Pau
17 octubre 2014 |
Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies |
Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
17 octubre 2014 |
Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies |
Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies |
Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat
20 octubre 2017 |
Integrating computational fluid dynamics and biological model to assess wastewater reactor design |
Vilà-Rovira, Albert
13 novembre 2009 |
Knowledge-based modelling and simulation of operational problems of microbiological origin in wastewater treatment plants |
Dalmau Solé, Jordi
Knowledge-based modelling and simulation of operational problems of microbiological origin in wastewater treatment plants |
Dalmau Solé, Jordi
14 octubre 2009 |
Management of industrial wastewater discharges in river basins through agents’argumentation |
Aulinas Masó, Montse
Management of industrial wastewater discharges in river basins through agents’argumentation |
Aulinas Masó, Montse
18 juliol 2019 |
Mass transport and fouling of novel forward osmosis thin-film composite membranes |
Sauchelli Toran, Marc
15 octubre 2014 |
Metal ions removal from polluted waters by sorption onto exhausted coffee waste. Application to metal finishing industries wastewater treatment |
Liu, Chang
Metal ions removal from polluted waters by sorption onto exhausted coffee waste. Application to metal finishing industries wastewater treatment |
Liu, Chang
Multi-scale investigation of occurrence, fate, removal and biodegradation of pharmaceutical contamination in wastewater treatment and river systems |
Collado Alsina, Neus
19 juliol 2013 |
Multi-scale investigation of occurrence, fate, removal and biodegradation of pharmaceutical contamination in wastewater treatment and river systems |
Collado Alsina, Neus
15 juliol 2019 |
Operational strategies towards nitritation-anammox implementation for mainstream municipal wastewater treatment |
Akaboci, Tiago Rogeiro Vitor
21 maig 2024 |
Operation and control of high rate activated sludge process in urban wastewater treatment plants |
Canals Tuca, Joan
15 gener 2008 |
Operation and control of SBR processes for enhanced biological nutrient removal from wastewater |
Puig Broch, Sebastià